So what can we do for your business?

Every situation is different. Your ultimate advertising goal is to make a profit, but nothing happens overnight; marketing is an ongoing process. You need to have a plan, and we can help with that.

Making sure that there are no policy issues with your site, products / services, or ad copy should be a priority. We know what to look for, and can offer suggestions as to how to resolve those potential issues before your account gets suspended or banned outright.

If you are a start up, your goal may be to increase brand awareness as the first step in developing your customer base. If your target market isn’t even aware of your existence, you shouldn’t reasonably expect immediate engagement. We know that you have to first accrue impressions before you can get any clicks, or conversions and we work hard to achieve this.

If you have a more established business with historical analytics data, or perhaps even an existing AdWords account, we can provide an initial Ads account audit to offer some immediate insight before any account management proposal is devised. If you have already established profitable revenue channels, you will want to find a partner who can help you achieve sustainable growth. This is where we can add value to your business.

Why should you work with us?

We understand. Google Ads isn't for the faint-hearted or inexperienced; poorly set-up accounts can drain your resources at an alarming rate because there are a whole lot of companies out there that will focus only on cost of clicks and the number of visitors to your site, but we don’t. We know that your goal for Google Ads is not about getting cheap clicks but it’s actually about generating leads or sales, which is why we are different from other Google Ads Managers. However, just so you have the full picture, here are some reasons why people work with us.

Firstly, we speak your language!

What do we mean by that?

Simply this. Our partners all ran our own businesses before we worked on Google Ads Management. We completely understand what it’s like to run your own business and therefore know what’s important to you. We know the right questions to ask you to make sure that Google Ads advertising is meeting your needs.

The problem with many Google Ads managers is that whilst they may understand the mechanics of how to use it they are often clueless about running a business and therefore they rarely understand what you are trying to achieve. For example, it’s quite likely they will aim to buy you the cheapest clicks they can from Google as they will assume that is your goal. However, we know that in most cases, what you are looking for is the most profitable clicks. You want leads and sales.

Running our own business has given us a unique insight. So who would you prefer to talk to - someone who’s been where you are, or someone who’s just learnt which buttons to press in Google Ads but doesn’t really know why?


We don’t tie up our clients up with clever contracts

One of the ploys that some companies will use is to get you to sign a contract that locks you into working with them for a minimum period of time and if you try to leave early they will hit you with a penalty charge.

We absolutely do not do that. There are no minimum contracts to sign. All of our clients are free to stop using our services at any time and there are no penalty charges.

We prefer our clients to stay with us because we get great results and not because we’ve trapped them with a clever contract.


We operate a transparent pricing structure

In most cases we are able to show marked savings in the spend, whilst maintaining or increasing the engagement and traction of the account. For this reason, we are often asked if we will work solely for a percentage of the savings we make, but this betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the process of optimizing a campaign to achieve the right results.

Essentially, we will not work on the basis of cost reduction alone because this places all the emphasis upon cost of clicks and not results. Anyone can cut costs, but the real goal is in achieving this in tandem with increased campaign effectiveness and increased profitability, which after all is the whole point of any business.

This means that in almost every case the savings we make for our clients far outweighs our management fee whilst at the same time producing a slicker, effective and more profitable return on investment. Thereafter, we strive to reduce spend on an ongoing basis.

If there is no existing Ads account, or there is an existing account which needs extensive revision, we typically charge a one-off set-up fee, simply based on the amount of time such set up or revision takes to complete, followed by a monthly oprimisation fee to ensure best practice and maxiumum performance.

You’ll know exactly what we’re doing for you

That might sound obvious but actually some companies like to hide behind techno jargon rather than explain what they are doing and why they are doing it. Whilst we do use sophisticated Ads management software to analyse your account, our explanation of the results always aims to demystify things for you.

We prefer to make sure you understand exactly what we’re doing and we’ll take the time to explain to you in a language you can understand – weI call it plain English! If you're still unsure, read our impartial no-nonsense guide to finding a Google Ads partner

We go beyond Ads.

Unlike other Google Ads companies that will probably focus on the cost of clicks and trying to get lot of visitors to your website, we prefer to focus on getting you the right visitors. You know; the ones who buy stuff!

Also it’s important to us that your website does its job and turns those visitors into buying customer. So you can expect us to offer advice and support on changes that should be made to your website to increase the number of sales it generates.